Angular CLI — Part II: Generating Components, Directives, Pipes and Services

Kaustubh Talathi
2 min readAug 16, 2017


This is the part II of the Angular CLI tutorial. By now you should have an Angular project created using cli, running at localhost:4200. Click here in case if you missed a step or want to refer to part I of this tutorial.

Assuming that you have followed part I and created same project as mentioned navigate to “ang-cli-proj“.

Create a new component

ng generate component my-new-component

This will create four files under src/app/my-new-component:

  • my-new-component.component.css — Stylesheet
  • my-new-component.component.html — Template
  • my-new-component.component.spec.ts — Test specifications
  • my-new-component.component.ts — Controller

And it will also update the app.module.ts automagically to include the new component.

Adding the newly created component to the template

Copy paste the below code to “app.component.html” under the H1 tag. Run the application using “ng serve”


You should see “my-new-component works!” under the title of the page.

By default angular cli will create all the scaffold’s under src/app folder. You can control this path by following examples as shown on Angular CLI site:

ng generate component my-new-component ng g component my-new-component # using the alias # components support relative path generation # if in the directory src/app/feature/ and you run ng g component new-cmp # your component will be generated in src/app/feature/new-cmp # but if you were to run ng g component ../newer-cmp # your component will be generated in src/app/newer-cmp # if in the directory src/app you can also run ng g component feature/new-cmp # and your component will be generated in src/app/feature/new-cmp

Scaffolding commands:

Component ng g component my-new-component

Directive ng g directive my-new-directive

Pipe ng g pipe my-new-pipe

Service ng g service my-new-service

Class ng g class my-new-class

Guard ng g guard my-new-guard

Interface ng g interface my-new-interface

Enum ng g enum my-new-enum

Module ng g module my-module




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