Angular CLI — Part III: Sass Options

Kaustubh Talathi
2 min readSep 1, 2017

This is the part III of the Angular CLI tutorial. By now you should have an Angular project created using cli, running at localhost:4200 & be able to generate Components, Directives, Pipes and Services. Click Part I or Part II in case if you missed a step or want to refer.


Convert current style format to sass

ng set defaults.styleExt scss


ng set defaults.styleExt sass

This will convert the default project styles to scss/sass. And it will also update the .angular-cli.json automagically


Creating a new project with Sass option:

ng new ang-cli-sass-proj –style=sass


$ng new ang-cli-sass-proj –style=scss

This will create a new project with style options set to sass:


