Mock Data for Angular 9 applications with JSON Server — Part 2(final)
In previous tutorial, we covered following:
Initial setup
Download JSON Server
Configure JSON Server
Running JSON Server
Setting up proxies for Angular application
Use concurrently to run both the servers together
We were left with few issues which might occur in almost any applications:
1] Multiple API calls
2] Maintaining data.json with big data
We’ll also touch base on routes to configure three or four level API’s.
Step 1: Initial setup
Checkout the final repository of Part 1 and run “npm install”.
Step 2: Move content out of data.json
Create a new folder “data” inside “mocks” folder. Create a new file “people.json” and copy contents of “data.json” here. We can delete “data.json” but it is optional. We’ll be introducing a script which will generate “data.json”. Your file structure will look as below:
Step 3: Generate data.json
Install node module “json-concat” in dev dependencies:
npm install json-concat — save-dev
Create “concat-json.js” in “mocks” folder and add following script:
var jsonConcat = require(‘json-concat’);
src: “mocks/data”,
dest: “mocks/data.json”,
}, function(json){
Modify package json to generate data.json:
“concat:mocks”: “node \”./mocks/concat-json.js\””
Execute above script:
npm run concat:mocks
Notice that “data.json” will be generated and it will have content copied from “people.json”. You can also add this script to your mock:server script in package.json.
Step 4: Add more API’s
Create “planets.json” in “data” folder and copy response from “” in the same format as in people.json.
Create “starships.json” in “data” folder and copy response from “” in the same format as in people.json.
Run “npm run concat:mocks” and verify if “data.json” contains all the content.
Modify proxy.config.json:
“/people”: { “target”: “http://localhost:3000", “secure”: false},
“/planets”: {“target”: “http://localhost:3000",“secure”: false},
“/starships”: {“target”: “http://localhost:3000",“secure”: false}
Run the server using:
npm run start:proxy:mock:server
Visit http://localhost:4200/planets or http://localhost:4200/starships to verify if new resources are routed properly.
Step 5: Configure 3 level and 4 level URL’s
Let’s assume that we need to call following endpoints:
A. http://localhost:4200/starwars/people
B. http://localhost:4200/starwars/universe/planets
C. http://localhost:4200/starwars/universe/transport/starships
Above URL’s will be 404 as proper configurations are missing. Here is how to make it work:
A. http://localhost:4200/starwars/people:
Modify proxy.config.json to following:
“/starwars/people”: {“target”: “http://localhost:3000/people",“secure”: false}
B. http://localhost:4200/starwars/universe/planets
Modify proxy.config.json to following:
“/starwars/universe/planets”: {
“target”: “http://localhost:3000",
“secure”: false,
“pathRewrite”: {“^/planets”: “/planets”}
C. http://localhost:4200/starwars/universe/transport/starships
Modify proxy.config.json to following:
“/starwars/universe/transport/starships”: {
“target”: “http://localhost:3000",“secure”: false
Also, create “routes.json” to map appropriate route. Add following entry in this file:
{“/starwars/universe/transport/starships”: “/starships”}
Modify package.json mock server script to pick up routes file:
“mock:server”: “npm run concat:mocks && json-server — routes routes.json — watch mocks/data.json”
Restart the server and all the URL’s should work. :)
We were able to configure our application to support multiple API calls in a structured manner and also handle 3 and 4 level URL routes.
Part 2 Github resources: